T4.3 – Public-private spatial data co-evolution
One of the main innovations of GeoKnow will be the development of a co-evolution approach, which facilitates the synchronized evolution of spatial Linked Open Data sources and company internal data (e.g. E-Commerce data in WP6). Our approach will be based on a declarative definition of evolution patterns, which will ensure, that changes made on imported Linked Open Data sources during the curation process will prevail after these sources are newly downloaded and updated from the Web of Data. This technology will enable any data consumer to select relevant parts of datasets and transform them as needed, thereby retaining the possibility to easily (re)synchronize with the sources should they change. The same technology can also be used by the maintainers of the source data sets for incorporating third party changes, such as fixes, that were made public. The ultimate goal is to create a comprehensive Enterprise knowledge hub (similarly to DBpedia on the Web of Data), which is connected with all major data and knowledge bases relevant for the enterprise and which constitutes a crystallization point for the organizational knowledge of a company.
D4.3.1 | Concept for Public-Private Co-Evolution |
D4.3.2 | Public-Private Co-Evolution |